Mississippi Heights eLearning
The district will continue to utilize eLearning days for full day closures for all students P–12+.
The first day closure, students and staff will not have school and there will be no eLearning.
The second through the sixth full day closures will be eLearning days and staff and students will follow the eLearning plan.
Choice Boards by Grade Level 24/25
Below are the eLearning expectations for students, staff, and families:
Expectations for Students: On an eLearning day, students will:
In advance, students will:
Expectations for Families: On an eLearning day, families will:
In advance, students will:
Expectations for Teachers:
eLearning Day Activities will:
- Be due within three school days; completion will count towards attendance.
- Consist of activities that are best suited to the resources that are available for students when at home.
- Be sent home with students in advance of the dates of eLearning days.
NOTE: Students will not lose school day privileges, such as recess, if activities are not complete.